- Beschreibung
The IDK NJR-PRV is a thumbnail previewer for NJR-R01UHD output video.
NJR-PRV video can be encoded to H.264 format and transmitted in unicast or multicast stream.
- Zusatzinformation
Artikelnummer 8673-0183-01 Administrator IDK Lieferzeit 2-5 Tage Eigenschaften
Eigenschaften • Video output from NJR-R01UHD can be input, captured and thumbnailed periodically
• NJR-R01UHD ’s input is automatically switched if using with NJR-CTB; multiple channels can be checked on a single screen
• Up to 128 patterns can be registered; up to 10 x 10 can be displayed
• Video can be encoded to H.264 format and transmitted in unicast or multicast stream
• Remote control using control command
• AC adapter with locking mechanism - Downloads
Datenblatt r//prv-100_vd-eu-gmbh.pdf (782.62 KB )
IP-NINJAR BROSCHÜRE ENGLISCH p//ip-ninjar-brochure_en_web_vd-eu-gmbh.pdf (2.52 MB )
IP-NINJAR BROSCHÜRE DEUTSCH p//ip-ninjar_brochuere_de_web_vd-eu-gmbh.pdf (2.57 MB )
DATA SHEET IP-NINJAR p//ip-ninjar-series_2019_vd-eu-gmbh.pdf (242.32 KB )
LV-Text v//lv_idk_prv-100.doc (29.5 KB )
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